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1. Practice is EVERY WEEKDAY, except the day after meets. While FBISD is in school, we practice in the afternoons after school. Once school is out, we practice in the mornings. The more practices a swimmer can make the more they will improve!

2. Meets are on WEEKDAYS  - usually on Mondays. Please see the SCHEUDLE tab for exact dates. Here's a few reminders:

  • Meets are long. They typically run approximately 4 hours - give or take - based on the number of heats and weather.
  • Swimmers must stay with their age group during the meet. All age-groups will have a dedicated Age Group Volunteer to help get the swimmers to their events on time - so no wandering off!
  • We encourage swimmers to bring plenty of things to keep swimmers entertained between events (games, books, etc.)
  • Swimmers should come to the swim meets WITHOUT sunscreen applied so they can be marked by their Age Group Parent with their events prior to applying sunscreen. Sunscreen makes it impossible to write on the skin and destroys the markers. 
  • PLEASE PUT NAMES ON EVERYTHING! Towels, water bottles, chairs, games, etc.
  • Bring something for swimmer(s) to sit on in their Age Group Tent. This can be an extra towel, chair, cooler, etc.
  • Bring plenty of nutritious food and drinks. Junk food does not make fast swimmers!
  • For more information about meets, please visit our MEET INFO tab on our website.

3. Meet CONCESSIONS: All meets will have a concession option with varying options. Home meets will have Imperial BBQ hosting the concession offering brisket sandwiches, turkey legs, and much more. We encourage our Shark Families to enjoy Imperial BBQ at our home meets as a percentage of the proceed goes directly back to the SHARKS.

4. Please be ON TIME to meets. There is lots of work that has to be done before the meet starts (swimmer marking, warm-ups, team rally, volunteer meetings, etc.), so please be on time or early.

5. Meet PARKING: Though we have ample parking at the Shark Tank, not all teams have sufficient parking. Thus, plan to arrive early if possible and carpool when you can. Please do not park where a NO PARKING sign is posted. Signs are up for a reason and you will be towed.

6. Meet VOLUNTEERING: All families are required to volunteer. Meets are ran entirely by volunteers (from both teams). Please see our VOLUNTEER tab for information about volunteering positions. A 'buy out' option is available during registration but we would rather you volunteered.

7. Meet of Champions (MOC): This is the meet the swimmers are working towards all season as it where all teams in the Division compete at once to see who is the Division Champion. MOC is NOT just for the elite swimmers! In fact, all swimmers can swim at MOC and get to experience swimming in a Natatorium. To be eligible to swim at MOC, the swimmer must have a legal time and have participated in 2 other meets during the season. MOC is on a WEEKDAY: 10 & Unders swim in the morning (8 AM) and 11 & Ups swim after lunch (2 PM).

8. Team Parties and Stroke Clinics may be on WEEKENDS: Occasionally during the season we will have a few events on a Saturday. Please check the SCHEDULE tab on the webpage for exact dates.

9. Website is Key: Our website is a VITAL resource for our parents. There is a TON of information on our website for parents to read through. Also, please download the Swimtopia App and the SportsYou App to stay up to date with any and all changes/announcements. Lastly we have a Facebook page and will be sending out regular emails so please read through them.

10. SHARK POWER!: Our season is short and fast but we have lots of fun! You will be amazed at how much your swimmer improves in such a short time. Once a Shark, Always a Shark!

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